Spaces for co-working have existed as long as there have been cafes and libraries. The mix of activities that takes place at these public places ...
Women May Be the Winners of the Google SEO Wars
The following article was originally posted on my non-business blog. During the next few weeks I will be migrating the my best blog writing on tech ...
The Feminization of the “Interwebs”
The following article was originally posted on my blog. During the next few weeks I will be migrating the my best blog writing on tech to this site. ...
Tucson Women Bloggers Meetup – Well Worth Attending
HRS owner, Nancy, provides blogging information to local Tucson residents at monthly informational Meet-ups which you can sign up to attend at the ...
Impressed By Tucson Evolving
As owner of a research and content business based in Tucson Arizona I have watched Tucson weather the storm of economic and informational change for ...
Never Stop Learning: List of Tips and Tricks
You probably can have enough of some things, but I don't think information is one of those things. I do not agree that you you can never be rich ...
7 Steps of Decision-Making
Hill Research Services, LLC could have easily been called Hill Communications Media or something to that effect, but even though I am a bit nerdy and ...
Tucson Wiki: A Major Community Resource
On August 15th I attended a meetup for the Tucson Wiki Project. I'd been given a heads up about the meeting by Linda Ray with whom I had worked a few ...
BlogHer 13 Logistical Tips
I've been digging into the logistics behind BlogHer 13. I was the security and facility manager at an anthropological state museum here in Tucson ...